Problem: Sparse vectors of dot product
如果都是 sparse vector,那思路就是把每个 vector 都表示成 (index, non-zero value) pairs:
for each index i, a = val of pair (i, v_in_A), b= val of pair (i, v_in_B). dot_product(A,B) = sum_of ( a * b )
O(m + n)
Follow Up
what if the number of nonzero elements of one vector is 10^10 and the other is 10^2, how can you make it faster?
这里的区别就是,一个特别长一个特别短。那么我们就先扫短的,然后用二分法再长的里面找对应的 index。复杂度应该是
O(m * log n)
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