Designing Slack

Designing Slack


Interview Process:

  • 10 mins: Clarify business (Use Cases)/common sense

  • 10 mins: Constraints

  • 10 mins: Architecture

  • 10 mins: API Design

  • 10 mins: DB choice

  • 10 mins: Data model

Use Case


  • Domain / Group / Individual

  • Support direct msg / group msg

  • Support link preview

  • Support multimedia msg

  • Msg Notification

  • Highlight unread msg

MVP (discuss with the interviewer)

  • Direct Message (1 to 1 msg)

  • Channel: Group Chat

  • Multimedia msg

  • Link preview


  • High available

  • High reliable

  • Consistent

  • High performance: real-time


  • Group Membership

  • Msg Notification

  • Highlight unread msg


  • Authentication/Authorization

  • Mobile/Web Client Side


  • One domain

  • (Ask Interviewer) DAU: 10M

Traffic Estimation

  • Peak direct messages:

    • 每个人一天发 5 条;peak 是平时的 100 倍来计算

510M100/(243600)=50KMsg/s5*10M*100/(24*3600) = 50K Msg/s

  • One message size: 100 bytes

  • Throughput:

50K100bytes=5MB/s50K * 100 bytes = 5 MB/s

可能 5 MB/s 这个结果有点太小了,不过理解计算过程就行了。

Storage Estimation

  • One day storage 510M100100bytes=500GB5*10M*100*100bytes=500GB

  • One month storage 500GB30=15TB500GB*30=15TB

Group chat number

  • 1000 members limit in a group


  • QPS

    • 1000 QPS needs multiple partitions

  • Data

Architecture & Database

  • split into small microservice

Channel service

  • master service serve all requests from the user

Account service

  • manage user account info

Friends service (may not need in Slack)

  • manage user friendship info

Message Storage Service

  • store message

Message Storage Service

  • manage messaging search index and lookup

Group service

  • manage group membership info

Media service

  • process multi-media / link info

Notification Service

  • notify the users


Public APIs


  • store last viewed channel

  • store visible channels: recent direct msg/membership of the group

  • show unread msg / last msg preview: denormalized data

SendMessage(sender_id, receiver_id, message_type, message, media_id)

  • message_type is one of [direct message, group message]

  • create_timestamp, update_timestamp, expired_time, STATE will be appended by channel service.

  • STATE could be one of [received, sent, viewed, notification_sent, deleted], the multimedia message may need to be processed, therefore need some time between received and sent

updateMessage(message_id, message)


uploadFile(user_id, permission_group, file_descriptor, some_metadata)

  • permission_group: used to manage who can upload files

  • file_descriptor: a file descriptor (FD, less frequently fildes) is a unique identifier (handle) for a file or other input/output resource, such as a pipe or network socket. More read here.


  • search locally for given entity

  • use trie to build a local search tree

joinGroup(user_id, group_id)

getDirectMessages(user_id, friend_id)

getGroupMessages(user_id, group_id)

CRUD for group info getGroupNotice / getGroupMembers / getGroupDetail / GetGroupSharedFiles / update...

CRUD for user info getUserInfo / updateUserInfo

Internal API

Media Service


  • Replicate media

  • Post-processing: Generate preview / thumbnail

  • Distributed to CDN

Notification Service

notifyUser(user_id, sender_id, message_id, msg_preview)

Data Model

User Table (SQL)

Id (Shard Key)namestatustimezoneteam




Los Angeles


  • status should store here. If this field is modified often, we can pull it out to a separate table.

Friend Table (SQL)

  • Friend 关系存两遍,要不然找的时候很麻烦

  • 这样 shard user_id_1 就可以了











Group Membership Table (SQL)

group_iduser_id(shard key)join_daterolelast_view_date











Channel Table (Redis)

Message Storage Table (DynamoDB)






"hello world!"


  • Group Chat: containerId is group_id.

  • Direct Message: containerId is sorted {user_id_1, user_id_2}

Emoji Table (redis)

  • This table is for emoji added on a message.

Good to have(if have some time left): also list group tables, etc.

Bottleneck & scale

  • Infinite scale: sharding, periodically cleanup

  • Throttle needed for "bad" user

Design dive deep

Network Protocols

basic relationship:

so for a chat service, the choice of network protocols is important.


  • Cons:

    • expensive; consume precious resources to answer a question that offers empty response

Long Polling

holds the connection open until there are actually new messages available or timeout

  • Cons:

    • sender and receiver may not connect to the same chat server. HTTP based servers are usually stateless and the server receives the msg might not have a long-polling connection with the client who receives the msg.

    • inefficient if a user doesn't chat much

    • server doesn't have a good way to know if a client is disconnected

WebSocket is the most common solution for sending asynchronous updates from server to client.

It starts its life as a HTTP connection and could be “upgraded” via some well-defined handshake to a WebSocket connection.

  • Pros:

    • connection is bi-directional and persistent

    • simplifies the design and makes implementation on both client and server more straightforward

Stateless vs. Stateful

  • some services are stateless, like authentication service, service discovery, etc.

  • some services are stateful, like chat services. All users should talk on chat services


  • stateless 的 hosts 可以 easily scale up

  • 对于 stateful 的怎么办呢?

  • chat server: send/receive msg

  • presence server: manage online/offline status

  • API server: user login service, signup, profile service. etc.

  • notification server: send/push notification

  • kv store: store chat history

DB selection

  • generic data,like profile, setting, friend list: relational DB

  • chat history data: key-value store

    • easy horizontal scaling

    • low latency to access data

    • indexes grow large, random access in relational DB is expensive

    • fb messenger: HBase; Discord: Cassandra

Data models

message table (1 to 1)

  • primary key: message_id







message table for group chat

  • primary key: (channel_id, message_id)

channel_id(partition key)message_iduser_idcontentcreated_at




"hello world"


message id

  • must be unique and sortable

    • server ticket

    • twitter snowflake is a good approach

    • local sequence number generator: easier to implement; sufficient in 1-on-1 or group chat

Service Discovery

  • recommend best chat server for a client

  • use Zookeeper

  1. User A tries to log in to the app.

  2. The load balancer sends the login request to API servers.

  3. After the backend authenticates the user, service discovery finds the best chat server for User A. In this example, server 2 is chosen and the server info is returned back to User A.

  4. User A connects to chat server 2 through WebSocket

Message Workflow

1-on-1 chat

  1. User A sends a chat message to Chat server 1.

  2. Chat server 1 obtains a message ID from the ID generator.

  3. Chat server 1 sends the message to the message sync queue.

  4. The message is stored in a key-value store.

  5. If User B is online, the message is forwarded to Chat server 2 where User B is connected.

  6. If User B is offline, a push notification is sent from push notification (PN) servers.

  7. Chat server 2 forwards the message to User B. There is a persistent WebSocket connection between User B and Chat server 2.

Message synchronization across multiple devices

  • use a local cur_max_message_id to track which is the latest msg

  • then read from db: find message_id which is larger than cur_max_message_id

Group chat

sending message

  • User A copied msg to each group member's message sync queue

    • each client (B, C) only needs to check its own inbox to get new msgs

    • when group is small, storing a copy in each client's inbox is not expensive. WeChat is using a similar approach and have a limits of group size of 500

receiving message

Online presence

Further reading: Linkedin Presence Platform

User login

  • after client A and chat server build WebSocket connetion, change A's online status and last_active_at timestamp

User logout

  • change online status to offline

User disconnection

  • heartbeat: every 5 sec, client send heartbeat to presence server;

  • after sending 3 heartbeats, if not reconnect with in 30 sec, label this client as offline

Online status fanout

  • if small group, use publish mode:

  • if large group, fetch online status only when a user enters a group or manually refresh the friends list

Last updated